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Frequency Body Sprays

One 2oz. bottle ~ $24


3 for $66

Carrier Oils Blend


Coconut Oil

This oil promotes circulation & flexibility in joints, while reducing stiffness.  Coconut oil used as a carrier oil, blended along with these other essential oils, can bring you the immediate temporary relief you seek.


Grapeseed Oil

This oil helps promote tissue elasticity.  Grapeseed oil serves as an anti-inflammatory to help reduce swelling.  It can also help heal & improve circulation.


Eucalyptus Oil

100% pure Australian medicinal grade of Eucalyptus oil, which is a key ingredient.  Due to its double distillation process it is rated 80-88% cineole, which is the active medicinal ingredient in Eucalyptus.  It relieves symptoms of sinus and respiratory problems; soothes and penetrates the skin to bring quick relief to arthritis and muscle aches.  It is the strongest natural germicide known, so serves as a powerful disinfectant for burns & cuts.  It is extremely effective when used for skin irritations, rashes and insect bites.


Essential Love Blend

100% pure essential oil blend of these 9 essential oils brings a floral, sweet, soothing and uplifting scent therapy.  Lavender Flower, Pink Grapefruit Peel, Patchouli Leaf, Geranium Leaf, Sage Leaf, Ylang Ylang Flower, Sandalwood & Jasmine Flower.

The Carrier oil blend helps to increase circulation & brings relief for:

Joint & Muscle Pain

Sinus & Respiratory Issues




Insect Bites

and much more with the addition of Frequency Imprints into every spray!

Specific Frequency Imprints to assist with relief of ailments such as:

Muscle Pain

Joint/Bone Pain

Insect Repellent

Nervous System








Teeth & Gums

Frequencies imprint into your energetic bodies and your physical body, allowing your body access to the specific frequencies needed to heal and bring balance.

Create your own

custom sprays!

With a database of thousands of specific frequencies from the simplest issue to more serious health diseases.  Together, we can create your own custom spray for any of your specific needs.

How are Frequency Body Sprays Made?

1st:   There are thousands of programs in the database.  Each program has anywhere from 1 to hundreds of frequencies.  I select the most effective frequency programs to add to each specific spray.

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2nd:   Those sets of frequency programs are then transmitted to the generators, which is what generates the actual frequency wave output.


3rd:   The generators then imprint the frequencies through the conductors, in this case coil & cold lasers, and into the particles of the liquid spray.  Coconut, Grapeseed & Eucalyptus carrier oils.


Sprays Available Now

What's frequencies are in each Spray?

Click & find out

ADHD spray has 133 imprinted frequencies that aid correction & re-balancing in these areas:

Stress reduction & creating a beneficial energy flow to all areas.  Salts, enzymes & electrolytes that help brain performance & focus.  Overall assistance in maintaining attention, managing energy levels & controlling impulses.

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Eliminate Stress & Trauma

Subtle Energies Correction & Balance

Cell Salt - Potassium Phosphate

Psoriasis Correction & Balance

Bromelain Pineapple Correction & Balance

Bach Flowers - Chestnut Bud & Vervain

Frequency Spray Testimonials

"I am so grateful for my Star Light Frequency Spray.  The Nervous System one has helped significantly with the nerve pain that I've experienced after shingles.  The relief is almost immediately.  The sharp stabbing pains are reduced to an easily manageable pain level.  Laura was very responsive to my needs & ensured I had a new supply of spray as quickly as possible."  R.W.

"Allergy Frequency Spray has given me relief from allergies, which have been really intense this year with running nose & itching, sore eyes.  The Lung Frequency Spray has helped me with my COPD/Emphysema.  Seems to loosen my lungs & make it easier for me to breathe, especially the act of inhaling." ~ H.W.

"I used the Digestion Spray last night.  Uumm lets just say it cleaned me out ALOT this morning, Whoa!  And it's still working great a week later.  The Divine Circuitry Frequency Spray is helping my body recover from all the upgrades, releasing & healing it has been doing." ~ T.K.

"I have liked the Sleep Frequency Spray, which has been helping me with my sleep.  My sleep is now doing way better." ~ J.M.

"The Anxiety spray has been a miraculous thing for my buddy with PTSD from war.  Thank you for you & all you do." ~ A.Y.F.

"Laura's Sleep Spray has been wonderful!  Since using it I have had no trouble either getting to or staying asleep.  The Joint & Bone Pain Spray I recently began using as well, has helped me regain flexibility in my feet, enabling me to access yoga poses which were previously uncomfortable.  When I needed to reorder, Laura made my transaction very convenient & was personally very attentive to my situation.  I will continue with these products & I will be trying her other sprays in the future as well." ~ E.L.

"Our 7 year old grandson came to visit and he would wake up in the middle of the night screaming from nightmares.  I had a bottle of the Clean & Clear Spray.  We sprayed the room every night.  He would say "Negative out, Angels In" (adorable right). 

He slept through the nights without anymore nightmares.  Thank You!"   ~ C.H.

Click Square payment links for drop-off or pick-up orders only! 

Call, text or email for mail orders & a Square payment link will be sent to you with the added shipping costs.

Call, text or email to place your spray order or to create your own custom spray!

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